Sometimes the signs you need, are mysterious but oh so clear…
It started a couple of days ago, as I was reading the inspiring book Speaking with Nature (by Sandra Ingerman and Llyn Roberts). In this book the authors talk about plants and animals and how we can relate to them. What their stories can tell us about the way we live our lives. One of the chapters was about the Black Bear and what the message of this powerful animal is.
“Black bear is reclusive and silent, with the exception of a mother with her cubs. If she senses a threat to her young, the nurturing female becomes a violent defender.” (Llyn Roberts in Speaking with Nature).
When you dig a little deeper and feel the nature of the sacred feminine coming to you through the words of the bear, you can feel her telling you: “This primal force is who you are.”
I often read the book before going to sleep, so I let the bear go before I started to sleep… I just thought it was a beautiful story in a book… But then… A couple nights later the bear came up in a dream, the next day in a picture on my screensaver, and in many other occassions in the following days. So I decided to look it up, because there is always a meaning when numbers, animals or other signs keep returning in short periods of time…
When you see the bear as a symbol coming to you, it means that it is time to take leadership in your life and the life of others. It invites you to take action and step into your power and it invites you to the strength of the bear that really knows how to hibernate and take a step back.
Both strengths are extremely needed in your life as you want to walk your own path. So as I see the signs in my own life right now, it is about honoring my time to rest and restore. To hibernate in this beautiful slow and darker season to be able to return to my leadership with more strength when the days are getting longer again.
I must say, it is not always easy for me to take this step back. There are things in my system that always ask me to move forward, ignited also by certain people in my life who have more energy than me. But for me the bear energy to retreat is necessary to remain the woman I love the most in myself.
And it also means… letting my creativity flow from a place of love. So even though I allowed myself to take a step back this time of the year, I love to keep sharing the wisdom that pours through me at a certain day…
So I love to hear from you, what sign is coming back to you regularly at this time of your life?
Personally besides the visions of the bear, I constantly see the number 55... Which means a life in transition, and that completely suits my life at the moment ;-)