As an Untamed Women, a Wild Woman, a Wise Woman or however you want to call yourself, you are a changemaker. You are someone who sees the future for the next 7 generations. The change starts with you…
Because you are the one stepping out of your comfort zone,
trying to do things in a different way…
Once you started on this path, there is no way back. You can try to go back and fit in the system again. But I assure you, it ain’t going to work. You will burnout (again) and find yourself returning to the path of the Untamed…
Being the changemaker can be a lonely road. It can be tiring and frustrating, it can be scary. But there is one thing about being on this path. It is amazing as hell…
Being on your own true path, you are going to find treasures that others don’t. You will find freedom, new ways of healing and eating, and new connections with people who you’ve just met, but feel so well-known already.
Following your own truth can mean that you are finding a new way to heal yourself, a new school system for your children or a different way of having a relationship.
Maybe you will be working on all of the above.
Which can be a journey.
But my dear Untamed Wild Woman, you have to do this. Because there is just no other way. And even though you feel scared at times, or beat yourself up that you can’t join the system, you will be amazed what will happen when you just continue.
I love you for doing this, for embracing all of who you are and all you want to change in your environment. You are so brave for doing this, for trying and succeeding, for falling and getting up again. For making mistakes and see them as lessons. For being who you are and for not letting go.
Be proud of where you are today, see what you have already changed and how this affected your life and the lives of people around you.
I love you,