This weeks theme is all about your uniqueness. Something we all have, but often don’t see. It’s what you could call talent, purpose or your true essence. It’s the thing you are very good at and what makes you unique to others. But it is also exactly that what you don’t see as unique. It is so easy for you to do that you don’t think it is unique. A friend of mine told me ‘it’s about being inside the bottle’. When you’re inside the bottle you can’t see the etiquette on the outside. So how you are labelled isn’t visible for you, but it is visible for other people.
How to recognise your talents
I have always thought that being able to cook or write was easy for everyone, because these were two things that were very natural for me to do. I only got to see it as a talent when people started to ask me to cook or write for them. But it works the other way around as well. I could be very jealous of people who were good at something that I could never do. But now I know, everyone has his or her own role in life. So whatever you are good at or like to do most of the time, that is your talent, your true essence.
You don’t have to make your talent a job
And it is not always smart to make a job out of your talent, but if it is something you like to do, see how you can create more of it in your life. When I started cooking more, I thought I wanted to be a chef or caterer and cook all day, every day. But when I tried to make a living out of it, I was always exhausted. So I realised, this is not for me.
Delegate what you don’t like
As I am focussing more on what I am good at and try to delegate the things I’m not good at to my talented co-workers, life becomes easier. I still don’t delegate everything because I also like to play with certain things. That’s why I am figuring out how to design things with canva and sometimes edit my own video’s and podcast. Just to see if I like to do it and when I don’t I will delegate this again.
What would it look like?
What would your world look like,
if you could all be able to only do the things you are really good at?
In my imagination we would be coworking all the time in a world like that. No more moments where you are struggling on your own. You just know exactly who to ask for a certain task and it would be done. We would be living more like communities again, where we looked after each other’s kids and where people who loved to cook would be cooking for all of us. The same with gardening and managing life in general. We would support each other in every possible way, knowing that we would get what we gave. A life without struggles and more connection, how does that sound?
I love to hear your ideas on how you would see the world in which you would only do the things you love and like and are really good at.
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Imagine a world where you only do the things you're good at
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This weeks theme is all about your uniqueness. Something we all have, but often don’t see. It’s what you could call talent, purpose or your true essence. It’s the thing you are very good at and what makes you unique to others. But it is also exactly that what you don’t see as unique. It is so easy for you to do that you don’t think it is unique. A friend of mine told me ‘it’s about being inside the bottle’. When you’re inside the bottle you can’t see the etiquette on the outside. So how you are labelled isn’t visible for you, but it is visible for other people.
How to recognise your talents
I have always thought that being able to cook or write was easy for everyone, because these were two things that were very natural for me to do. I only got to see it as a talent when people started to ask me to cook or write for them. But it works the other way around as well. I could be very jealous of people who were good at something that I could never do. But now I know, everyone has his or her own role in life. So whatever you are good at or like to do most of the time, that is your talent, your true essence.
You don’t have to make your talent a job
And it is not always smart to make a job out of your talent, but if it is something you like to do, see how you can create more of it in your life. When I started cooking more, I thought I wanted to be a chef or caterer and cook all day, every day. But when I tried to make a living out of it, I was always exhausted. So I realised, this is not for me.
Delegate what you don’t like
As I am focussing more on what I am good at and try to delegate the things I’m not good at to my talented co-workers, life becomes easier. I still don’t delegate everything because I also like to play with certain things. That’s why I am figuring out how to design things with canva and sometimes edit my own video’s and podcast. Just to see if I like to do it and when I don’t I will delegate this again.
What would it look like?
What would your world look like,
if you could all be able to only do the things you are really good at?
In my imagination we would be coworking all the time in a world like that. No more moments where you are struggling on your own. You just know exactly who to ask for a certain task and it would be done. We would be living more like communities again, where we looked after each other’s kids and where people who loved to cook would be cooking for all of us. The same with gardening and managing life in general. We would support each other in every possible way, knowing that we would get what we gave. A life without struggles and more connection, how does that sound?
I love to hear your ideas on how you would see the world in which you would only do the things you love and like and are really good at.