The last weeks I have been reading Worthy, written by Nancy Levin. The book is about how to enhance your self-worth so you will have a greater networth. The book looks at money problems from a different perspective. I have read books like this before, but this one seems to make more sense at the moment. But what struck me in one of the first chapters was the sentence on how to earn a living. It was a BIG lightbulb moment, because I have always hated to go out, find a job and earn money by doing so. So I wondered
Why do we have to earn our living?
Why do we have to earn our living, if we are already here on earth? Haven’t we earned our life already? Aren’t we just supposed to be here and live?
When I read that sentence a lot of anger came up again, because I can be really upset by the way the world is we live in today. Especially the way that money is ruling it. I have been trying to be a good girl and earn money the way grownups would do. But I don’t want to be ‘getting after money to earn my living’.
I want to live and go with the flow, creating in my own space and time, connecting to nature or friends, or spend time on my yoga mat. I can’t understand why that can’t be the only reason we can live on this planet. If we are all souls living a human experience, why did we forget who we truly are?
Unique souls, here on earth to create beautiful things.
And there was the anger teaching me something, again.
As I kept on reading in the book and worked on some other money stuff with this amazing program from the Kairos Healing Academy, I found the solution. Even though I might not want the world to be how it is today. The world still is the way it is. And I didn’t step out of society and live completely off grid yet, so I do need money to live.
And there was the shift. No I don’t need to earn my living, but I need money to live. And with the work that I do, I give people the opportunity to create a new world. A world that is different from what we have now, but until we are there, we are will partly play the game… In our own beautiful way.
Like I said before, there is no use in fighting, you have to go with the flow. But you can create your own way.
When you are interested in finding your own way, in sharing your vision, your wisdom with the world, let me know. You can book a free call to see how we can work together!
Lots of love, Irene
With the Untamed Woman I create a space for truthful conversations, about life, about walking your own path, about being vulnerable and making mistakes. It is a place for women who are willing to share their true stories and listen to each other. So feel welcome to join the conversation by reacting in the comments.
For sure Irene 😊
Hi Irene, thanks for your article. It was really thought provoking and made me think a lot about my own approach to money as a woman, and as a business coach to (predominantly) women. The system we live in is designed to benefit a few individuals that are willing to exploit other and the planet, so when we are conscious, thoughtful and sensitive creators of any kind, it doesn't fit with our world view so we dump our stuff on money and see it as the villain of the piece. For me, money isn't the issue, it's how the system makes us feel disconnected to ourselves and others, that is the problem and that is what we need to address. This is a HUGE topic so thanks for your insight! Marisa