For sure Irene 😊

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Hi Irene, thanks for your article. It was really thought provoking and made me think a lot about my own approach to money as a woman, and as a business coach to (predominantly) women. The system we live in is designed to benefit a few individuals that are willing to exploit other and the planet, so when we are conscious, thoughtful and sensitive creators of any kind, it doesn't fit with our world view so we dump our stuff on money and see it as the villain of the piece. For me, money isn't the issue, it's how the system makes us feel disconnected to ourselves and others, that is the problem and that is what we need to address. This is a HUGE topic so thanks for your insight! Marisa

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Yes thank you for sharing that... Absolutely true... If we are truly connected to ourselves money can play a role in it... And a beautiful one...

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